Hybris Setup locally on your System
Hybris Setup locally on your System Once you have the Hybris commerce suit package with you. Follow the below steps to install. Step 1 : Make sure you have the latest JDK installed on your work station, if not download the one and install Step 2 :Set the environment variables as shown below. Path and _JAVA_OPTIONS Step 3: Download and install Eclipse Step 4: Create a folder in any drive and extract your Hybris commerce suit in that folder. It will take couple of minutes. Step 5 : Open command prompt and go to Hybris installed directory will platform C:\hybristest\hybris\bin\platform> and run setantenv.bat. This command needs to run once in single session to set the environment. Step 6 : Run command ant clean all . Message confirming build successful should appear. Step 7 : Once step 6 is completed, run the below command as shown to start Hybris server. hybrisserver.bat Step 8: Once server is started, open chrome and Hit the URL...